AFOTEC member wins National Security Agency Frank B. Rowlett Trophy

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Capt. Jamal P. Quinnert, Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center, received the National Security Agency's 19th Annual Frank B. Rowlett Trophy for Individual Achievement. Individuals within a U.S. government organization receive this annual award for making the most significant contribution to improving his or her element's information systems security posture, information assurance readiness, or the conduct of defensive information operations.

The NSA established the Information Systems Security National Awards in 1989 to recognize outstanding organizational and individual excellence in the field of information systems security. Today these annual awards, named in honor of crypto logic pioneer Frank B. Rowlett, recognize significant contributions to the information assurance discipline.

As a test director for North American Aerospace Defense Command/United States Northern Command exercises, Captain Quinnert orchestrated and executed two NORAD/USNORTHCOM cyber security exercises ordered by Congress, ultimately informing the Office of the Secretary of Defense and Congress of the Combatant Command's cyber security posture.

While serving as the AFOTEC Detachment 3 Information Assurance Branch Chief, he championed the integration of cyber testing into 25 Air Force and multi-service programs, shaping the security evaluation of $36 billion in weapon systems. As a principal actor in the AFOTEC-wide information assurance revamp, he authorized significant policy changes and constructed information assurance guidance used by over 600 airmen to plan, evaluate, and execute operational tests.

Captain Quinnert also led an eight-member penetration test of United States Strategic Command's $190 million nuclear command and control network, evaluating the effectiveness of information assurance controls on both secret and top secret nuclear warfare planning terminals. The execution of this test required proactive coordination with the Defense Intelligence Agency's internal information assurance aggressors to scrutinize multi-layered protection across highly classified networks. The result was the ability to provide accurate information to DOD warfighters and acquisition officials of the system's information assurance survivability and mission assurance capabilities.

"I was surprised I was chosen for this highest honor within the information assurance community," said Captain Quinnert. "The Air Force has provided me an opportunity to grow where I am planted and make a positive difference every day. While in this duty position, I was fortunate to meet and work with exceptional leaders from all sectors of the DOD, the federal government and our civilian communities. I am truly thankful. Now I have the opportunity to honor the significance of this award, not the physical object itself, but the aspirations Mr. Rowlett cultivated throughout his honorable career."

Captain Quinnert has more than 23 years of service in the Air Force, with 17 years of those years as an enlisted member and he was a master sergeant before being commissioned. He is also the recipient of the 2008 Air Force Outstanding information assurance Program Manager of the Year Award.

Mr. John Inglis, Deputy Director, NSA Central Security Service, and the NSA Information Assurance Deputy Director, Mrs. Debora Plunkett presented the award to Captain Quinnert in a ceremony held at NSA Headquarters at Fort Meade, Md, on Nov 5.