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  • DOT&E Director visits Dover C-5 RERP testing

    The senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense on operational and live fire test and evaluation of DOD weapons systems had a firsthand opportunity Dec. 7 to fly on the C-5M Super Galaxy at Dover Air Force Base, Del., during a local air refueling qualification operational test and evaluation

  • AFOTEC Commander receives 2009 Space Trophy

    Maj. Gen. Stephen Sargeant, Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center Commander, is the recipient of the 2009 General Thomas D. White U.S. Air Force Space Trophy. General Sargeant received the trophy at the annual Air Force Ball held Nov. 20 in Beverly Hills, Calif., during a joint

  • AFOTEC member wins National Security Agency Frank B. Rowlett Trophy

    Capt. Jamal P. Quinnert, Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center, received the National Security Agency's 19th Annual Frank B. Rowlett Trophy for Individual Achievement. Individuals within a U.S. government organization receive this annual award for making the most significant contribution

  • AFOTEC stands up JSF detachment at Edwards

    The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center stood up Detachment 1 at Edwards AFB, Calif., Oct. 2 to lead the operational test and evaluation of the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter."AFOTEC Detachment 1 will conduct operational test and evaluation on the JSF with three services and two

  • AFOTEC employs Lean and Six Sigma to improve test process

    The commander of the Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center recently instituted the use of Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century process improvement tools across AFOTEC to improve the operational test and evaluation planning processes at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. Detachment

  • Cadets learn by doing during summer program at AFOTEC

    Self-development author and trainer Dale Carnegie once said, "Learning is an active process. We learn by doing. Only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind." Learning by doing is exactly what 13 U.S. Air Force Academy cadets did when they traveled to six Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation

  • AFOTEC hosts Academy cadets for summer research program

    The Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center is hosting the U.S. Air Force Academy's Cadet Summer Research Program for a second year at AFOTEC locations in California, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and the AFOTEC headquarters at Kirtland. Cadets work on real-world Air Force projects during

  • Center hosts former AFOTEC commanders' forum

    Four former Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center commanders met at AFOTEC headquarters May 11-12 at the invitation of the current Commander Maj. Gen. Stephen T. Sargeant for a two-day forum.General Sargeant provided the former commanders with an update on the status of AFOTEC activities

  • AFOTEC honors 2008 annual award winners

    More than 65 Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center members were recognized during the March 26, 2009 AFOTEC Annual Awards Banquet that honored the outstanding performers for 2008. Lt. Gen. Leo Marquez (retired) was the guest speaker for the event. General Marquez retired in 1987 after a